Wasps: one of the most dreaded and feared of all insects. Most people fear and avoid wasps due in large part to their ability to lay multiple painful, though generally not harmful, stings. However, for a portion of the population, wasp stings can be a much more serious matter. While about three in 100 healthy adults have a serious allergy to insect stings and bites, there are even more who can be taken off guard when a sting triggers a heart attack.

Older adults with underlying heart problems, such as those with a build-up of plaques in their arteries, a wasp sting can trigger blood clots, artery blockages, and even heart attacks. According to a study published in the 2010 International Journal of Cardiology, this can take up two two weeks post-sting to develop. This condition is called Kounis syndrome and it’s rumored to cause approximately 1,000 deaths a year.

Considering the high rate of serious insect allergies and Kounis sydrome, it’s no wonder we at Specialized Pest handle wasp removal and nest removal of so many wasp colonies every year.