Yellow Jackets Most Active in Fall

People across the United States are finding out the hard way that yellow jackets – a particularly aggressive species of wasp – become more aggressive and rowdy as winter approaches. With increased reports of hives attacking school children and gardeners,...

Western Black Widow Spiders

While the black widow spider is considered by many to be one of the most venomous spiders in North America, thankfully their bite if rarely fatal to humans. However, black widows are still highly venomous and very common in California. The western black widow, or...

Rattlesnake Activity Up in Late Summer

  California is home to many different animals, but nearly none of them strike as much fear into the hearts of the populace than the dreaded rattlesnake. While most seasons offer very little interaction between humans and rattlesnakes, in the Sacramento region,...

How To Get Rid Of Yellow Jackets In Elk Grove

  Yellow Jackets Wasps are one of the most feared of stinging insects, and with very good reason. These social insects are highly aggressive and will deliver a potent and painful sting to anyone who disturbs or appears to threaten their nests. Adding to their...