If you’ve been keeping an eye out, you’ve probably seen a lot of cockroaches out and about in the Sacramento area this summer. They’re not the only insect with booming populations this year, as recent reports of bug swarms around the country and especially on the West coast have made national headline news. However, cockroaches are a truly unsightly and, in some cases, illegal pest in buildings.

California has seen a busy year in terms of health code violations in restaurants and cafeterias due to roaches. The reason? California’s record drought. With the ongoing (and in many instances mandatory) effort to conserve water, there are little occasions for the Sacramento cockroach population to find watering holes outside and have begun searching in droves for indoor sources of water and cool temperatures.


Many people find that garages and porches are prime hiding places for cockroaches in Sacramento due to small holes and cracks in garage door seals and patio wood. The most common roaches people are seeing in or around their homes and businesses are the American roach which is a brownish-orange color, and the Turkish roach which comes in more a blackish-dark red shade. Both give people a feeling of disgust and can lead to the temporary shuttering of businesses.

In the Sacramento area, roaches are most commonly found in the walls of buildings or hiding in cabinetry. Professional pest companies like Specialized Pest Patrol are not only experts at finding the cockroach hiding places in and around buildings, but they have the tools necessary to remove and eradicate local populations. That means no more roaches, and no more fear of health code violations or unsanitary living conditions.